Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Baby Names

We are 6 weeks away from baby BOY #3 arriving and we are having trouble coming up with a name we can agree on. So I thought I would open it up to the blogging world for suggestions. Please list any ideas you have because we really don't want to be one of those families that brings their baby home without a name and we don't just want to choose something spur of the moment. So really any names you would like to suggest would be very appreciated.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

A couple of weeks ago Steve and I were able to take a trip without the kids and visit Steve's sister Sarah in Baltimore. This was our first trip by ourselves and it was so much fun. We decided since Baltimore is so close to so many fun places that we would rent a car and go a few other places too. So the first day there we traveled to Washington DC. It was crazy to see all the secruity surrounding the Capitol. It is not every day that you see security guards with machine guns. Steve went to ask one of them a question and as Steve approached the secturity guy totally backed away like Steve was going to attack him or something. We decided to take a tour of the Capitol building. It was fun and interesting but nothing like it used to be. They must have really changed things after 9/11. Although one funny story is that while we were waiting for our tour they told us absolutely no food or drink on the tour. If we had any we were suppose to throw it away before we got inside or they would do it for us. Well I don't go anywhere without snacks and especially with being pregnant I had a bit of food with me. I was not about to throw it all away but I didn't know what to do with it. So we decided to take it out of our back pack and stash it in the bushes until we got back. It was hilarious to watch Steve try to discretely hide our food. I wanted to take a picture but thought it might draw attention to him. More later. . .